
1743 (4?), Paris — 1808, St Petersburg

French painter, portraitist, miniaturist. Pupil of Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée the Elder. Court painter to Queen Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. Contributed to the Paris Salon. Admitted into the Paris Academy of Arts in 1788. Fled to London during the French Revolution. Worked in Russia (1795(6?)–1808). Moved to St Petersburg (1795(6?)). Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1802), headed the portrait class (from 1806).

Collection of the Russian Museum
Art type:

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Portrait of Anna Muravyova-Apostol with her Son Mathew and her Daughter Catherine
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Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova
Portrait of Countess Sofia Stroganova

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