
1756, Rome — 1844, Moscow

Italian painter, portraitist. Studied art in Italy. Member of the Accademia de Forti in Rome (1792) and Accademia of Bologna (1793). Moved to St Petersburg (1795). Moved in Moscow (1804) and married Princess Natalia Gagarina (1778–1832). Lived in Vladimir (1812–1814). Worked as inspector at the Kremlin Construction Department (from 1815). One of the founders of the School of Architecture. Retired in the rank of collegiate counselor (1842) after 25 years of service.

Collection of the Russian Museum

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Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Portrait of Emperor Paul I
Портрет графа Ф. В. Ростопчина с биллиардным кием в руке
Портрет графа Ф. В. Ростопчина с биллиардным кием в руке

The Mediateka

Year: 2009 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:00

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