
1758, Saint Petersburg – 1826, Rome

The Imatra Falls in Finland


  • oil on canvas. 98,5 х 73,5
  • Ж-5043

  • Пост.: в 1897 из ИЭ, где находилась в первом зале картин русской школы в Новом Эрмитаже; ранее (с 1820) – в Зимнем дворце

The “heroic” landscapes of the classicism period are characteristic for the painter’s creative work. In his paintings, Matveyev tries to display, in a rather conventional way, the majestic beauty of this “noble” nature. Matveyev’s composition was subjected to strict calculation, respecting the division of the plans and adding artificial and decorative elements. Imatra are the falls on the Vuoksa river in Finland.

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