Memory lessons dedicated to the Day of the Complete Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade
Students of V.E. Tatlin Secondary School No. 1 in Penza have deepened their knowledge about one of the brightest and most heroic pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War - Leningrad. Schoolchildren learned about the work of the Russian Museum during the war.
On January 27, 1944, Leningrad was completely liberated from the Nazi blockade, which lasted for 872 days. We recall the exploits of museum workers, barely able to stand on their feet from exhaustion, already doomed to death, they saved masterpieces of painting and other museum valuables.
Preparations for the transfer of the collection began on June 22, 1941. The art treasures went to the Urals on July 1, 1941. Among them were not only paintings, graphics and sculptures, but also works of ancient and applied art. In a short time, more than seven and a half thousand paintings were removed from the walls, moved to new storage locations and prepared for evacuation in the State Russian Museum. And you need to understand that these were priceless masterpieces that had to be packed with incredible precautions. This was done not only by museum workers, but also by restorers, and artists, and students of art schools, and just voluntary assistants.
The main part of the art collections of the State Russian Museum was evacuated to Molotov (Perm). Paintings, sculptures, works of iconographic art are housed in the Perm Museum of Local Lore, in the Trinity Cathedral of Solikamsk. As a result of the evacuation, it was possible not only to preserve the best works of culture and art of our people, but also to evaluate their important aesthetic significance.
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