Junior schoolchildren of V.E. Tatlin Secondary School No. 1 get acquainted with the work of I.K. Aivazovsky
Junior schoolchildren of V.E. Tatlin Secondary School No. 1 in Penza travel around the country of Pictures and get acquainted with the work of the great Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.
Aivazovsky is known as a singer of the sea, a marine painter. On the canvases of Ivan Konstantinovich – the sea in all its manifestations: then calm, then menacing, stormy; then daytime, then mysterious at night; then peaceful, then engulfed in the flames of a fierce battle. On canvas, Aivazovsky reproduced the beauty, strength and power of the sea element. His paintings are spectacular and make a huge impression on the viewer. They have drama and joy, happiness and admiration for nature. The sea respects people who are fearless, strong, able to challenge the elements and win. To receive the gifts of nature, you must treat it with respect, trust it. This is how Aivazovsky conveyed it on his canvases.
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