
1786, Florence - 1843 St. Petersburg

Painter, lithographer, history painter, portraitist. Studied under P. Benvenuti at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence. Worked in St Petersburg (from 1811). Appointed painter (1812), academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts for Cain Cursed by the Lord for Fratricide and Running from the Wrath of God (1813). Custodian and restorer of painting in the Imperial Hermitage (1817–1843).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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 Рука Всевышнего Отечество спасла
Рука Всевышнего Отечество спасла
Vincenzo Brioschi. Portrait of the St Petersburg Postal Director Konstantin Bulgakov
Vincenzo Brioschi. Portrait of the St Petersburg Postal Director Konstantin Bulgakov
Портрет А. С. Грейга
Портрет А. С. Грейга

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