
1843, Pechenegi (Kharkiv Province) - 7902, Strzalkov (Poland)

Painter, author of pictures on historical and religious subjects, portraitist, landscape painter. Studied physics and mathematics at the Kharkiv University (until 1864) and art at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1864-70; occasional student). Contributed to exhibitions at the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1867). Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts in Germany and Italy (1871-77). Academician (1873), professor (1877). Awarded the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Paris and the Legion d''hon-neur  or The Luminaries of Christianity and La Femme ou la Coupe (1878). Councillor (1889) and full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1893). Member of the Academies of Arts of Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Turin and Paris.

Collection of the Russian Museum
Art type:

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The Mediateka

Year: 2001 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 52:06

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