Home page СправочникиКлассификаторы (атрибуты) предметов коллекцииМатериалы и техники Cardboard Cardboard All items Period: All All 18th century Early 19th century Late 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Early 20th century Late 20th century – 21st century Total: 212 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Bilibin I. Y. Эскиз декорации к последнему акту оперы М. П. Мусоргского "Борис Годунов"1931 Bilibin I. Y. Иллюстрация к русской народной сказке "Василиса Прекрасная" (?)1932 Bilibin I. Y. Куликовская битва1932 Истомин Константин НиколаевичСестры1932 Юдин Лев АлександровичСпинка обложки журнала «Чиж» № 111933 Roerich N. K.Arhat1935(6?) Яковлев Борис НиколаевичCrimea. Autumn Day1935 Roerich N. K.Fujiyama1935 (6?) Roerich N. K.Fujiyama1935 (6?) Roerich N. K.Fujiyama1935 (6?) Nesterov M. V.Река Уфимка1935 Roerich N. K.Cliffs of Lahaul1937 Roerich N. K.Defender (Cloud-Marksman)1937 Roerich N. K.Evening (Stupas at Blue Mountains)1937 Roerich N. K.Himalayas. Blue Cliffs1937 Roerich N. K.Tibet (Dark Mountaintops at Evening)1937 Roerich N. K.Yamdrok Lake (A Settlement in the Mountains)1937 Roerich N. K.Himalayas (Albescent Mountaintops)1938 Roerich N. K.Himalayas (Blue Mountain - tops at Dawn)1938 Roerich N. K.Himalayas (Ice-Covered Slopes)1938 Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 5001234567891011 Masterpieces Period: All All Early 19th century Late 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Total: 9 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Brullov K. P.Nun’s Dream 1831 Brullov K. P.Portrait of Her Highness Princess E.P. Saltykova1833–1835 Repin I. E.Portrait of Maria Tenisheva1896 Roerich N. K.Overseas Guests1902 Juon KonstantinThe Celebration Day Roerich N. K.Slavs on the Dnieper1905 Benois Alexander Парад при Павле I Roerich N. K.Battle in the Heavens1912 Roerich N. K.Procopius the Righteous Praying for Unknown Travellers1914 Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 О материале/технике «Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: