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Фрагмент набойки
Фрагмент набойки
Картина «Триумф Цереры»
Картина «Триумф Цереры»
Фрагмент набойки
Фрагмент набойки
Кавалерийское сражение
Кавалерийское сражение
Картина «Баталия»
Картина «Баталия»
Картина «Пейзаж со стадом»
Картина «Пейзаж со стадом»
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Before 1671 (?)/ After 1676 (?)
Portrait of Tsar Ioann V Alexeevich
Portrait of Tsar Ioann V Alexeevich
Late January – early February 1696
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Second half of the 17th century. 1680s (?)
Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich
Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich
Second half of the 17th century. 1680S (?)
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna
Portrait of Tsaritsa Marfa Matveevna
December 1681 – 14 February 1682
Portrait of Governess Sofya Alexeevna
Portrait of Governess Sofya Alexeevna
Portrait of the Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, née Naryshkina
Portrait of the Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, née Naryshkina
Portrait of “Patriarch” Milak – Boyar Matvei Naryshkin
Unknown painter School of the Armoury Chamber
Portrait of “Patriarch” Milak – Boyar Matvei Naryshkin
Between 1688 and 1692. Before 1692 (?)
Приморский город
Приморский город
Portrait of Prince Anikita Repnin
Portrait of Prince Anikita Repnin
Late 1690s
Portrait of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna
Portrait of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna
Late January – early February 1694 (?)
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Portrait of Count Boris Sheremetev
Late 17th century
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich

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Mercury Brig Meeting a Russian Squadron after her Victory over Two Turkish Vessels
Mercury Brig Meeting a Russian Squadron after her Victory over Two Turkish Vessels
The Ninth Wave
The Ninth Wave
Young Widow
Young Widow
1850 (?)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
The Major Makes a Proposal (Inspecting a Bride in a Merchant’s House)
Circa 1851
Steppe during the Day
Steppe during the Day
At the wedding of Grand Prince Vassily II Tyomniy in 1433, Grand Princess Sophia Tears Down the Belt That Once Belonged to Dmitry Donskoy
At the wedding of Grand Prince Vassily II Tyomniy in 1433, Grand Princess Sophia Tears Down the Belt That Once Belonged to Dmitry Donskoy
Christian Martyrs in the Colosseum
Christian Martyrs in the Colosseum
The Last Supper
The Last Supper
Monastic Refectory
Monastic Refectory
Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey
Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey
After Rain. Country Track
After Rain. Country Track
Late l860s
Fête during Shrovetide on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg
Fête during Shrovetide on Admiralty Square in St Petersburg
Barge Haulers on the Volga
Barge Haulers on the Volga
View of the Volga. Barques
View of the Volga. Barques
The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter
The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter
Закат над болотом
Закат над болотом
Разлив Волги под Ярославлем
Разлив Волги под Ярославлем
Marsh in a Forest. Autumn
Marsh in a Forest. Autumn
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