
1870, Saratov - 1905, Tarusa



  • Canvas, tempera. 71 x 98
  • Ж-2041

  • Пост. в 1923 из ЛЗК (собр. В. К. Станюковича)

This is one of the milestones in the artist’s creative work and probably the first successful attempt to express his search for perfection in a single artistic image. The idea of this picture came to the artist in his Sleptsovka manor with a shady wild park and a house covered in wines. This was the place where he felt the charm of the old times. A spirit-like female figure that seems to glide around the garden is an embodiment of beauty and harmony, a poetic dream of the artist, a symbol of a light, ephemeral, and floating world created by him.

The belle époque created by the artist and depicted in the majority of his works is a convention that is far from reality. Decorative properties of this composition and its soft tones make it look like a tapestry rather than a painting. Composer S.N. Vasilenko who knew the artist and was inspired by the finesse and melodiousness of this works called them “painted music”.

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