
1842, Vilna - 1902, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany

Nathan the Wise

Эскиз для композиции «Нападение инквизиции в Испании на евреев, тайно празднующих в подвале Пасху». 1868

  • Bronze. 29 х 23 х 13
  • Ск-1906

  • Пост. в 1939 из ЛЗК

In 1868, the sculptor created the high-relief composition The Spanish Inquisition’s Attack Against Jews Secretly Celebrating Passover in a Cellar. While working on this piece, the image of Nathan the Wise appeared: a strong-willed man, who was noble and courageous. It transformed into an independent work, and became famous due to the numerous bronze casts. The critic Vladimir Stasov praised Nathan the Wise, and the high relief itself is considered to be an important step not only in Antokolsky’s career, but also in the development of Russian realism.

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