

In 1864 he graduated from the course at Moscow University at the faculty of law, was the world's mediator, the President of Bialystok Bielsko world Congress (1866 - 67), member of Warsaw editor of the legal Commission (1867 - 73), after which long served in the office of the Secretary of war in 1896 was appointed a member of the Board of the main Department for Affairs of the press. Time had abundant warnings and suspensions of periodicals. Known as the artist-miniaturist and writes articles about art in the "Moscow Gazette". (From the dictionary of the Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron)

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Тайная вечеря
Тайная вечеря
Тайная вечеря. Виньетки
Тайная вечеря. Виньетки
Воскресение. Жены-мироносицы
Воскресение. Жены-мироносицы
Голгофа, моление о чаше, буква «Р» комплекта
Голгофа, моление о чаше, буква «Р» комплекта
Несение креста
Несение креста

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