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Юность России
Total objects: 169
1. St Boris and St Gleb. Mid-14th century 2. 3. The Miracle of the Icon of the Holy Sign (Battle between the Novgorodians and Suzdalites). Early 16th century 4. Procopius Chirin 5. 6. . 1628 7. . 1636–1639 8. 9. ARMOURY CHAMBER, Moscow
. 1650s10. Losenko A. P.
Vladimir and Rogneda. 177011. Akimov I. A. 12. Ugryumov G. I.
Alexander Nevsky's Ceremonial Entry into the Town of Pskov after his Victory over the Germans. 1793 (4?)13. Ugryumov G. I.
Testing the Strength of Jan Usmar. 1796 (1797?)14. Ugryumov G. I.
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. 1799–180015. . 1800s 16. Vasily Shebuev
. 180417. Kiprensky O. A.
. 180518. 19. . 1806 20. . 1806 21. Ivanov D. I.
Martha the Mayoress (Theodosious Boretsky the Hermit Awarding the Sword of Ratmir to Miroslav, Young Chieftain of the Novgorodians and Fiancé of Xenia, Daughter of Mayoress Marfa of Novgorod)22. Ivanov A. I.
The Heroism of a Young Kievian at the siege of Kiev by the Pechenegs in 968. About 181023. Ivanov A. I.
The Monomachy of Prince Mstislav the Daring and Prince Rededia of the Adyghes24. Vasily Shebuev
. 181925. Unknown painter 26. 27. 28. Sazonov V.K.
Dmitry of the Don in the Kulikovo Battlefield. 182429. Bruni F. 30. Bruni F.
. 1826–183031. Bruni F.
. 1826–183032. 33. Bruni F.
. 183034. Bruni F.
. 183035. Bruni F.
. 183036. Bruni F.
. 1830 - 183937. Bruni F.
. 183038. Orlovsky (Smirnov) B. I.
. 1831–183639. . 1833 40. Basin P. V. 41. Bruni F.
. 1835–183842. Bruni F.
. 1835–183843. Bruni F.
. 1835–183844. . 1836 45. . 1840s 46. Rayev V.
. 184847. Klodt von Jurgensburg P. K. 48. . 1855 49. Unknown painter
. 1860s50. Chistyakov P.P.
At the wedding of Grand Prince Vassily II Tyomniy in 1433, Grand Princess Sophia Tears Down the Belt That Once Belonged to Dmitry Donskoy51. Chizhov M.A.
. 186552. Schwartz V.G.
Hosting the Boyar (Prince Serebryany Visiting Boyar Morozov). 186553. . 1866 54. Schwartz V.G.
. 186655. Antokolsky M. M.
Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584)56. Kivshenko A. D.
. 187457. Litovchenko A. D.
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey58. . 1875–1876 59. . 1876–1877 60. Siemiradzki H.
. 187661. Siemiradzki H.
. 187662. Siemiradzki H.
. 187663. Siemiradzki H.
. 187664. Perov V. G.
First Christians in Kiev65. . 1883 66. Lanceray, E. A.
. 188667. Antokolsky M. M.
Yaroslav the Wise68. 69. Antokolsky M. M.
Nestor the Chronicler70. Antokolsky M. M.
. 189171. Nesterov M. V.
. 189172. Nesterov M. V.
. 1894–189573. Makovsky K.Y.
Rite of Kissing. 189574. 75. Ryabushkin A.P.
. 1896–189876. Vrubel M. A.
Bogatyr. 1898–189977. Nesterov M. V.
. 1899–190078. Nesterov M. V.
. 1899–190079. Nesterov M. V.
Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. 189980. Vasnetsov A. 81. . 1901 82. Roerich N. K.
Idols. 190183. Roerich N. K.
Foreign Guests. 190184. Roerich N. K.
Overseas Guests. 190285. Roerich N. K.
Alexander Nevsky Striking Birger Jarl. 190486. Roerich N. K.
Slavs on the Dnieper. 190587. Roerich N. K.
Polovtsian Camp. 190988. Stelletsky D.S. 89. Roerich N. K.
Sadko. 191090. Roerich N. K.
Volga Svyatoslavovich. 191091. Roerich N. K.
Ilya Muromets. 191092. Roerich N. K.
Mikula Selyaninovich. 191093. Roerich N. K.
Nightingale the Robber. 191094. Roerich N. K.
. 191395. Roerich N. K.
Procopius the Righteous Praying for Unknown Travellers. 191496. Surikov V.I.
. 191597. Roerich N. K.
Three Joys. 191698. Bilibin I. Y.
Ship (Boris and Gleb Sailing). 192699. Roerich N. K.
Boris and Gleb. 1942100. Roerich N. K.
Igor’s Campaign. 1942101. Avilov M.
. 1943102. Roerich N. K.
The Battle of Mstislav and Rededya. 1943103. . 1944 104. SEROV V. A.
. 1945105. . 1947–1950 106. Chernyshev N.
. 1960107. "The Tsar Bell". A Casket 108. Krylov A.
Larchik "The Lay of Igor's Campaign"109. Sedov Vladimir
Alexander Nevsky. A Casket110. "The Library of Ivan IV". A Casket 111. Unknown painter
Portrait of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Before mid-18th century112. Ugryumov G. I.
The Taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. 1799–1800113. . 1828 114. . 1828 115. Pleshanov, P. F.
. 1856116. Zabello P. P. 117. Pleshanov, P. F. 118. Schwartz V.G.
. 1861119. Schwartz V.G.
Hosting the Boyar (Prince Serebryany Visiting Boyar Morozov). 1865120. Antokolsky M. M.
Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584)121. Litovchenko A. D.
Ivan the Terrible Showing Treasures to the English Ambassador Jerome Horsey122. Sedov, G. S.
Tsar Ivan the Terrible Admiring Vasilisa Melentieva. 1875123. . 1887 124. . 1889 125. Antokolsky M. M.
. 1891126. Makovsky K.Y.
Rite of Kissing. 1895127. Surikov V.I.
Yermak’s Conquest of Siberia. 1895128. . 1910 129. Repin I. E.
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan. 1913130. SOKOLOV-SKALYA P. P.
. 1937–1943131. . 1656 132. Clock. First half of the 19th century 133. Volkov A.M.
Volkov Adrian. Death of Ivan Susanin. 1855134. Makovsky K.Y. 135. Nesterov M. V.
. 1899136. Golovin A. Y.
Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin in the Role of Boris Godunov. 1912137. ARMOURY CHAMBER, Moscow
. 1643138. . 1643 139. Unknown painter
Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich. Second half of the 17th century. 1680S (?)140. . 18 c. 141. Ugryumov G. I.
The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar142. Benner Jean Henri 143. . 1841 144. . 1859 145. NEFF, T. A. (T. C. von) 146. Ryabushkin A.P.
Seventeenth-Century Merchant Family. 1896147. Vasnetsov A. 148. Kardovsky D.
. 1912149. . 1650–1660 150. . 1661 151. Unknown painter
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Before 1671 (?)/ After 1676 (?)152. Unknown painter
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Second half of the 17th century. 1680s (?)153. Choglokov Mikhail
Portrait of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna. Late January – early February 1694 (?)154. Unknown painter
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich155. Unknown painter
Portrait of Prince Andrei the Elder Repnin. After 27 January 1699156. Benner Jean Henri
Portrait of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich157. Schwartz V.G.
Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey158. Schwartz V.G.
Schwartz Vyacheslav. Scene from the Domestic Life of Russian Tsars (Playing Chess). 1865159. Mikeshin M. O.
. 1869160. Sverchkov N. Y.
Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich with Boyars at Falconry near Moscow. 1873161. Repin I. E.
Zaporozhian Cossacks. 1880–91162. Antokolsky M. M.
Spinoza163. Makovsky K.Y.
Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich Choosing a Bride. 1887164. Ryabushkin A.P.
Seventeenth-Century Merchant Family. 1896165. Ivanov, S. V.
Battle Cry. 1898166. Ryabushkin A.P. 167. Surikov V.I.
Stepan Razin. 1906168. . 1911 169. Kustodiev B. M.
. 1918