Virtual Branches

About the project

The project “The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch” has been implemented by the Russian Museum since 2003. The goal of the project is to introduce to a wide audience the values of Russian culture and the historical past of Russia via free access to the electronic materials and publication as well as creation of cultural and information environment among the participants of the project.

At present the project has grown into a network of 257 virtual branches, which are open in museums, educational institutions and centres of further education, institutions of science and culture - both in Russia and abroad. Film about project

The Virtual Branch

The information and educational centre “The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch” consists of a multimedia cinema and an information and educational class.

The content of the centre is  the Mediateka.  It includes interactive multimedia programs and films developed by the Russian Museum and enabling every visitor of the information and education centre to come into the museum environment and fascinating world of fine art, get acquainted with masterpieces of collections of museums that are the participants of the project.

Participation in the project

If you have explored the project “The Russian Museum: the Virtual Branch” and found it so interested that you feel like becoming one of its participants then we ask you kindly to view the following document carefully.

Requirements for the opening of the centre


Participate in the project

Chronicle of branch openings

Planned branch openings

Угличский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей
г. Углич, Ярославская область

Региональный центр школьного образования "Завидово
д. Мокшино, Тверская область, Конаковский район

Храм Святой равноапостольной царицы Елены
г. Бонн, Федеративная республика Германия

Высшая школа технологии и энергетики ФГБОУ ВО Санкт-Петербургский университет промышленных технологий и дизайна
г. Санкт-Петербург

Переславский музей-заповедник
г. Переславль-Залесский, Ярославская область

МАУДО "Дворец творчества"
г. Красноуфимск, Свердловская область

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