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Leningrad will be the measure of honor!

The exhibition is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad and brings together about 100 works from the collection of the Russian Museum, created by artists who worked in the besieged city, as well as archival photographs about the life of the Museum during the Great Patriotic War.
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,2 x 22,6
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14291
- 1941
- Paper, . 28 x 19,4
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-13580
Автопортрет (С ведром)
- 1941-1942
- . 23 x 13 x 14
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-902
Аэростаты ПВО
- 1941
- Paper, watercolours. 37 x 49,8
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-26569
- Gypsum.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО/ПФ-150
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 70,5 х 50,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-478
Бойцы МПВО
- 1941
- Paper, lithography.
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-3625
Будь героем!
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-389
В ЛХУ зимой
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil. 29,6 x 21
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14069
В детской больнице
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil, . 18,2 x 18
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-22402
В лесу, пострадавшем от обстрела, художник делает зарисовки
- сharcoal , ink, , .
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-1139
- 1941
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-85
За водой
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-82
За водой. Набросок на бытовую тему с натуры
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil, ink. 30 x 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14258
За водой. Улица Рубинштейна. Зима
- 1941-1942
- Paper, , graphite pencil. 31,5 x 44
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14211
За что?
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 91 x 131,5
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1826
- 1941
- Paper, chromolithography. 83 х 60
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-781
Защитим город Ленина
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-777
Из цикла "Осажденный город"
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5403
Из цикла «Осажденный город». Лист 4
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5406
Anushina, Antonina Ivanovna
1904, St Petersburg — 1973, LeningradTheatrical designer, graphic artist, genre painter. Studied at the Petrograd Technical College of Art and Industry (1923–1925) and VKhuTEIN in Leningrad (1925–1930).
Астапов Иван Степанович
Петров Юрий (Георгий) Николаевич
Belkin, Veniamin Pavlovich
1884, Verkhoturye (Yekaterinburg Province) – 1951, LeningradPainter, theatrical designer, graphic artist, teacher.
Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich
1876, Tarkhovka, St Petersburg Province — 1942, LeningradGraphic artist, theatrical designer. Studied at the Faculty of Law, St Petersburg University (1896–1900), School of Drawing, Society for the Encouragement of Arts (1895–1898), Anton Ažbè’s school in Munich (1898), under Ilya Repin at the Princess Maria Tenisheva School (1898–1900) and at the Higher School of Art, Imperial Academy of Arts (1900–1904). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1900). Founding member of the World of Art (1900–1917). Drew for World of Art, Hell’s Post, Bugbear and Golden Fleece and magazines. Designed for theatres (from 1907). Illustrated and designed children’s books — traditional heroic poems, folk tales and the fairytales of Alexander Pushkin — for publishing houses in St Petersburg (1900s). Illustrated the fairytales of Alexander Pushkin for Goslitizdat (1930s). Created his own highly original style of book design, based on the motifs of Russian folk and medieval art.
Бучкин Дмитрий Петрович
Buchkin Pyotr Dmitrievich
1886, Sofronovo, Tver Province — 1965, LeningradPainter, graphic artist, teacher, history painter, genre artist, portraitist, landscapist. Studied at the Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing (1899–1904) and the Higher School of Art, Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg (1904–1912). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1907). Member of the Union of Artists (1932). Taught at the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1936–1940) and the Vera Mukhina School of Art and Industry (1947–1965). Professor (1953).
Быльев-Протопопов Николай Михайлович
Vereisky Georgy Semyonovich
1886, Proskurov, Podolsk Gubernia — 1962, LeningradGraphic artist, painter, teacher. Studied at Egor Schreider’s studio in Kharkov (1895–1904); Faculty of Law, Kharkov university; Faculty of Law, St Petersburg university (graduated in 1912) and under Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Boris Kustodiev and Evgeny Lanceray at the New Art Studio in St Petersburg (1913–1916). Taught at the Higher Art and Technical Studios/Institute (1921–1923). Curator of engraving at the State Hermitage (1918–1930). Full member of the Academy of Arts of the uSSR (1949). People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1962). Winner of the Stalin Prize (1946).
Курдов Валентин Иванович
Муратов Николай Евгеньевич
Гальба (Гальберштадт) Владимир Александрович
Ец Иосиф Михайлович (Мовшевич, Моисеевич)
Кобелев Василий Алексеевич
- 1941
- Paper, . 28 x 19,4
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-13580
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,2 x 22,6
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14291
Автопортрет (С ведром)
- 1941-1942
- . 23 x 13 x 14
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-902
- Gypsum.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО/ПФ-150
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 70,5 х 50,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-478
Бойцы МПВО
- 1941
- Paper, lithography.
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-3625
- 1941
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-85
За водой. Улица Рубинштейна. Зима
- 1941-1942
- Paper, , graphite pencil. 31,5 x 44
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14211
За что?
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 91 x 131,5
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1826
Защитим город Ленина
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-777
Ленинград готовится к обороне. Постройка баррикад
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 60 x 80
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1798
Летчики-истребители: старший лейтенант Е. Е. Банщиков, старший лейтенант В. Б. Лойко, младший лейтенант В. М. Добровольский
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil. 44 x 32
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-1865
- 1941-1942
- Paper, ink. 14,5 х 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14510
Набросок людей, стоящих за водой
- 1941-1942
- Paper, ink. 14,4 x 20,1
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14509
Несут раненого (II вариант)
- 1941–1942
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-78
Несут раненого. (I вариант)
- 1941
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-84
Отряд на набережной
- 1941-1942
- Canvas, oil. 41 х 48,5
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖС-2339
Портрет блокадника
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 58 x 46
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-11298
Проверка документов
- 1941-1942
- Bronze.
- The State Russian Museum
- СО-87
Проверка документов
- 1941–1942
- Canvas, oil. 55,6 x 70,7
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1758
Лишев Всеволод Всеволодович
Магарил Евгения Марковна
Nikolayev Yaroslav Sergeyevich
1899, Shavli, Kovno Province — 1978, LeningradPainter. Studied at Kazimir Zelenevsky’s studio in Tomsk (1917); Tomsk University, law department (1917–1918); Irkutsk University, history and philosophy department (1919–1920); State Free Art Studios in Irkutsk (1925–1928). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1927). Member of the Leningrad Union of Artists (1932), chairman of its board (1948–1951). Lived in Leningrad during the Siege; created a number of paintings dedicated to the heroic defence of the city (1941–1945). Honoured Artist of the RSFSR (1956), People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1975).
Pakulin Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
1900, Rybinsk – 1951, Leningrad1900, Rybinsk – 1951, Leningrad
Painter, graphic artist, theatrical designer, landscapist, portraitist; painted still lifes and genre scenes. Studiedatthe Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing (1916–1917, 1920–1922) and under Alexei Karev and Alexei Savinov at the Higher Art and Technical Studios (1922–1925). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1922). Member and contributor to the exhibitions of the Union of New Trends in Art (1921–1922) and the Circle of Artists (1926–1932; founding member and chairman). Member of the Board of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists (1935). Member of the team of artists (1935) (headed by Alexander Samokhvalov) working on the panel Cotton for All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.
Панов Евгений Лаврентьевич
Pakhomov Alexei Fyorovich
1900, Varlamovo, Vologda Province — 1973, LeningradPainter, graphic artist, monumentalist, book artist, sculptor, painter of portraits, genre scenes and watercolours, illustrated children’s books and journals, designed posters. Studied at the Baron Stieglitz Central School of Technical Drawing (1915–1917) in Petrograd / Leningrad; Petrograd State Free Art Studios / VKhUTEMAS / VKhUTEIN (1922–1925); Academy of Arts, graphic department (1926). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1921). Worked for the Okna ROSTA political poster studio (1921) and various publishing houses (1923–1925); produced monumental interior paintings for public buildings in Leningrad (1920s — 1930s). Taught. Professor (1949). Author of the book About My Work (1968–1969). Member of the arts council at the “Children’s Literature” and “Artist” publishing houses. Honoured Artist of the RSFSR (1945), People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1963), People’s Artist of the USSR (1971), corresponding (1958) and full (1964) member of the USSR Academy of Arts. Winner of the Stalin Prize (1946) and State Prize (1973). Awarded a major gold medal at the International Exhibition in Paris (1937) for the Children of the Soviet Land panel made for the Soviet pavilion.
Тамби Владимир Александрович
Пинчук Вениамин Борисович
SEROV Vladimir Alexandrovich
1910, Emmaus, Tver Province — 1968, MoscowPainter, graphic artist, book and poster designer. Studied at the VKhUTEIN / Institute of Proletarian Fine Art / Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1927–1933) in Leningrad. Member of the Union of Artists (1932). Taught at the Ilya Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1933–1942). Designed posters for the Fighting Pencil group of artists (1941–1942). People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1956), People’s Artist of the USSR (1958). Corresponding member and academic secretary (1947), full member (1954), Vice President (from 1958), President (1962–1968) of the USSR Academy of Arts, corresponding member of the East German Academy of Arts (1963). Member of the Awarding Committee for the Lenin and State prizes (from 1960). Winner of the Stalin Prize (1948,1951). Awarded medals “For the Defence of Leningrad”, “For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945”, “For the Victory Over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945” (1944–1945), Order of Lenin (1957), gold medal from the USSR Ministry of Culture (1958), silver medal at the World Exhibition in Brussels (1958), Order of the Red Banner of Labour.
Траугот Георгий Николаевич
Фитингоф Георгий Петрович
Аэростаты ПВО
- 1941
- Paper, watercolours. 37 x 49,8
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-26569
Бойцы МПВО
- 1941
- Paper, lithography.
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-3625
В ЛХУ зимой
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil. 29,6 x 21
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14069
В детской больнице
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil, . 18,2 x 18
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-22402
В лесу, пострадавшем от обстрела, художник делает зарисовки
- сharcoal , ink, , .
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-1139
За водой. Набросок на бытовую тему с натуры
- 1941
- Paper, graphite pencil, ink. 30 x 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14258
За водой. Улица Рубинштейна. Зима
- 1941-1942
- Paper, , graphite pencil. 31,5 x 44
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14211
Из цикла "Осажденный город"
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5403
Из цикла «Осажденный город». Лист 4
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5406
Из цикла: «Осажденный город» (2)
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5404
Из цикла: «Осажденный город» (3)
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5405
Из цикла: «Осажденный город» (5)
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5407
Из цикла: «Осажденный город» (6)
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5408
Из цикла: «Осажденный город» (7)
- 1941-1942
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- С.Гр.-5409
Кузнечный рынок
- 1941-1942
- Paper, ink, graphite pencil. 14,3 х 20,5
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-14514
Ленинград готовится к обороне. Постройка баррикад
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 60 x 80
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1798
Ленинград летом 1941 года
- Paper, gouache.
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-24310
Ленинград. Утро
- Paper, watercolours.
- The State Russian Museum
- Рс-11907
На Кировском проспекте в дни блокады
- 1941
- Canvas, oil. 56 x 68
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-11002
На Неве
- 1941-1942
- Canvas, oil. 39,2 x 49,3
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1778
Конашевич Владимир Михайлович
Марттила Елена Оскаровна
Николаев Василий Александрович
Проверка состояния сохранности и переупаковка скульптуры
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Русский музей
- Paper, gouache.
- The State Russian Museum
- Рс-1474
Слушают доклад главного хранителя ГРМ М.В. Фармаковского
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Анфилада залов в здании советского искусства Государственного Русского музея
- Paper, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Жб-1989
Внутренний вид в здании Советского искусства Государственного Русского музея
- Paper, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Жб-1988
Колоннада вестибюля Государственного Русского музея
- 1943
- Paper, oil. 47,2 x 33,3
- The State Russian Museum
- ЖБ-1990
Ленинград. Русский музей. Август 1943 года Второй академический зал
- Paper, ink.
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-828
Ленинград. Русский музей. Август 1943 года. Белоколонный зал
- Paper, ink.
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-827
Ленинград. Русский музей. Август 1943 года. Второй зал Александра Иванова
- Ink, white pigment.
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-821
Ленинград. Русский музей. Август 1943. Первый академический зал
- Paper, сharcoal , gouache, white pigment.
- The State Russian Museum
- Рс-820
Ленинград. Русский музей. Здание отдела советского искусства. Август 1943
- Paper, watercolours, ink, white pigment.
- The State Russian Museum
- Рс-829
Русский музей. После обстрела. Зал искусства первой половины XVIII века
- Ink, white pigment.
- The State Russian Museum
- РС-22555
Сотрудники Русского музея в г. Молотове
- .
- The State Russian Museum
17 октября 1945 г. прибыли первые экспонаты, эвакуированные в 1941 г. в г. Пермь
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Война окончена. Подъем скульптуры Б.К. Растрелли «Анна Иоанновна с арапчонком» из укрытия в Михайловском саду
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Подъем скульптуры Б.К. Растрелли «Анна Иоанновна с арапчонком» из укрытия в Михайловском саду
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Распаковка ящиков со скульптурой, прибывших из г. Перми (г. Молотова)
- .
- The State Russian Museum
В отреставрированных залах музея начата развеска картин знаменитых русских художников
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Вскрывают ящики с картинами, возвращенными из эвакуации
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Монтажные работы в зале № 37 Русского музея. 1946 г.
- .
- The State Russian Museum
Платунов Михаил Георгиевич
Kuchumov Vasily Nikitich
1888, Dolgopolovo, Yaroslavl Province — 1959, LeningradPainter, graphic artist, monumentalist. Studied at the Nikolai Seliverstov School of Art in Penza (circa 1909) and the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Pe ters - burg / Petrograd (1909–1916). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1913).
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 70,5 х 50,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-478
Будь героем!
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-389
- 1941
- Paper, chromolithography. 83 х 60
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-781
Защитим город Ленина
- Paper, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-777
Молодежь города Ленина! Идите добровольцами на фронт! Грудью защищайте свою свободу, свою честь, свою родину!
- 1941
- Paper, chromolithography. 50,3 х 62,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-651
Ребята, заменим отцов и братьев, ушедших на фронт! Поможем убрать урожай!
- Paper, chromolithography.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-642
№ 2. Мы им напомним
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 64,5 х 42,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2452
№ 3. Рассказ об участи десантов
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 43,3 х 64,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2373
№ 6. Не будут крылья черные над Родиной летать
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 57,2 х 42,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2375
№ 7. Победа будет в той стране, где женщина с мужчиной наравне
- 1941
- Paper, chromolithography. 46,2 х 61,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-34
№ 11. Два боевых эпизода
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 42,6 х 61,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2378
№ 17. В тылу врага
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 61 х 40,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2383
№ 18. Танк - универмаг
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 58,7 х 41,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2384
№ 26. Инициатива и сметка
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 62,3 х 40,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2391
№ 29. Трое отважных
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 46,7 х 61,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2394
№ 30. О том как делается отбивная котлета
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 61,5 х 42,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2395
№ 33. Летчик Виктор Талалихин
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 46,2 х 63,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2397
№ 39. О хвостах и крестах
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 54,8 х 35,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2401
№ 45. В обиду город не дадим
- 1941
- Paper, lithography. 55 х 36,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Пл.-2404
№ 48. Балтийцы
- Paper, lithography.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.пл.-2406