Advanced search collections
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 10,9 х 21,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3149
Домик в Киеве
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3147
Портрет скульптора М. М. Антокольского
- 1878
- Paper, сharcoal . 56 х 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3216
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12,4 х 16,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3152
Абрамцево. У старой оранжереи
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,4 х 25,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13403
- 1879
- сharcoal . 37,8 х 50,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3217
Портрет С. И. Мамонтова
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,8 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-56234
Портрет Т. П. Чаплыгина
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal . 61,4 х 43,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3219
Портрет старушки с очками в руках
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,4 х 30,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3182
Бахчисарай. Пейзаж
- 1880
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 17,1 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13419
Запорожец «мордуется» с лошадью
- 1880
- Paper, , nib. 22,2 х 17
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3092
Портрет А. Я. Симонович
- 1880
- Canvas, oil. 31 х 26,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1733
Портрет В. С. Серовой
- 1880
- Paper, italian pencil. 28,5 х 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3186
- 1880
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,2 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3097
- 1881
- Paper, graphite pencil. 31,8 х 23,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6555
- 1883
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,6 х 23
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13405
- 1883
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,4 х 16,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3153
Абрамцево. В аллее парка
- 1880s
- Paper, watercolours. 22,3 х 26,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3126
Буковая роща в окрестностях Мюнхена
- 1885
- Watercolours. 43,8 х 30,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13432
Портрет К. Д. Арцыбушева. Лицо К. Д. Арцыбушева (Беглый набросок). С. И. Мамонтов (Беглый набросок)
- 1886
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,1 х 25,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3160
Serov Valentin Alexandrovich
1865, St Petersburg - 1911, MoscowPainter, graphic artist, teacher, portraitist, landscapist, history painter. Son of the composer Alexander Serov. Studied under Ilya Repin in Paris and Moscow (1874-75, 1878-80) and under Pavel Chistyakov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1880-85). Academician of painting (1898), full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1903-05). Member of the Abramtsevo circle (from the 18705). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1889). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1890-99; member from 1894), Munich Sezession (1896, 1898,1899; member from 1899), Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Artists (1898), World of Art (1896-1906, member from 1900; 1911-12, founding member), Berlin Sezession (1903), Exhibition of Historical Russian Portraits at the Tauride Palace in St Petersburg (1905), Union of Russian Artists (1905-10; member from 1903), Sergei Makovsky Salon (1909), Exposition Universelle in Paris (1900, grand prix), International Exhibitions in Munich (1909), Vienna (1902), Venice (1907), Brussels (1910) and Rome (1911) and the Exhibitions of Russian Art in Paris (1906, 1910), Berlin (1906) and Vienna (1908). Member of the board of the Tretyakov Gallery. Taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1897-1909). Designed for theatres in Moscow and St Petersburg and Sergei Diaghilev\'\'s Saisons Russes (from 1886).
Портрет А. Я. Симонович
- 1880
- Canvas, oil. 31 х 26,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1733
Портрет С. П. Чоколов
- 1887
- Canvas, oil. 68 х 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1923
Old Bathhouse in Domotkanovo
- 1888
- Canvas, oil. 76,5 x 60,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4312
Beginning in 1886, Serov was a frequent guest at Domotkanovo, the estate of his friend Vladimir von Derwies. The estate’s natural beauty in summer and winter inspired a number of studies that are amazingly subtle in colour and full of quiet, among which is Old Bathhouse in Domotkanovo, an example of Russian Impressionism. With their lyrical interpretations of nature sustained in light tones and fresh, energetic painting style, these landscapes were new for their time and reflected the quest, typical for Russian young people at the time, for a means of expression that is in accordance with the new mental outlook.
Портрет А. Н. Серова
- 1889
- Canvas, oil. 197 х 125
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4286
Портрет Аделаиды Яковлевны Симонович (1872-1945), в замужестве фон Дервиз, двоюродной сестры художника
- Canvas, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-8480
Хождение Христа по водам
- 1890
- Canvas, oil. 550 х 700
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-8602
Портрет Е. П. Кончаловской
- 1891
- Canvas, oil. 62 х 58,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-6650
Линейка из Москвы в Кузьминки
- 1892
- Canvas, oil. 58 х 83,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4301
Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna in Childhood
- 1893
- Canvas, oil. 60 х 49
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1918
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882–1960): Youngest daughter of Tsar Alexander III and Princess Dagmar of Denmark, sister of Tsar Nicholas II. Studied art under Konstantin Kryzhitsky, held exhibitions of her work. After the revolution, lived in Denmark and Canada. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 245.
Портрет великого князя Михаила Александровича (1878‒1918) в детстве
- 1893
- Canvas, oil. 65 х 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1917
Слуга Авраама находит Исааку невесту Ревекку
- 1894
- Canvas, oil. 103 х 143
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4287
Portrait of Countess Varvara Kapnist
- 1895
- Canvas, pastel. 58 x 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-9746
Portrait of Princess Varvara Musina-Pushkina
- 1895
- Paper, pastel. 72,5 x 57,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-9745
Портрет М. К. Олив
- Canvas, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4284
Баба в телеге
- 1896
- Canvas, oil. 48 х 70
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4302
Портрет М. Ф. Морозовой
- 1897
- Canvas, oil. 108 х 87,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4313
In Winter
- 1898
- Cardboard, pastel, gouache. 51 x 68
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4311
Valentin Serov painted his finest landscapes at Domotkanovo, an estate belonging to his friends in Tver Province. The smooth horizontal grounds, muffled silverochre tones and the calm manner of applying the paint convey the quiet poetry of the dull expanses and the placid mood of a grey day. This effect is intensified by the poetic motif of the sledge being driven out of the gates by a young horse. The landscape is an excellent example of Serov’s masterly command of the paintbrush, particularly in the way the artist conveys the movement of the sledge, the glimmering grey nuances of the shed and the forest in the distance, the snowdrifts in the field and the snow trampled into the road. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 242.
- 1899
- Canvas, oil. 71 x 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4283
Valentin Serov depicts his two eldest sons on the terrace of his dacha near Terioki on the Gulf of Finland.
Alexander Serov (1893–1960): Engineer and shipwright. Fighter pilot during the First World War. Emigrated after the revolution.
Georgy (Yury) Serov (1894–1932): Actor of Yevgeny Vakhtangov’s studio. Lived in Germany and France after the revolution, became a famous film director. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 242.
Портрет С. М. Боткиной
- 1899
- Canvas, oil. 189 x 139,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4314
Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds
- 1900
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera, gouache. 41 x 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4291
In the middle of the eighteenth century, the period of Rococo, the different forms of hunting which had been popular in Russia since ancient times acquired a ritual and spectacular character. The elegant Tsarist horsemen, inflamed by high-spirited conversation and the imminent hunt, ride purposefully past the half-destroyed village and the poverty stricken villagers, accompanied by a splendid cortege of courtiers. By juxtaposing two Russias, the aristocratic Russia, in step with Europe, and the peasant Russia, dark and denied all rights, Serov exposes the source of the insurmountable contradictions of Russian life. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 304.
Designed to illustrate Nikolai Kutepov’s book Tsarist and Imperial Hunting, Valentin Serov’s work reflects the new understanding of history painting at the turn of the century. Serov and the other members of the World of Art preferred poetic images of daily life in the «golden age» of the eighteenth century to the more important historical events. The artist depicted historical themes in order to reflect on the fate of his country. He depicts a dashing cavalcade consisting of the fourteen year-old Tsar Peter II (1727–30) and Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, against a background of rickety huts and down-at-heel peasants. Dynamic, poignant and piquant, Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds offers an excellent example of Serov’s painterly mastery. The rustic landscape in autumn makes an important contribution to the artistic image. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 228.
Korovin Konstantin Alexeyevich
1861, Moscow - 1939, ParisPainter, theatrical designer, teacher. Studied under Vasily Perov, Alexei Savrasov and Vasily Polenov at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1875-1886) and at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1882). Academician of painting (1905). Member of the Abramtsevo Сircle (from 1885). Member of the World of Art (1900) and founding member of the Union of Russian Artists (1903). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1878). Contributed to the periodical exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Lovers of the Arts (1888-1897) and the exhibitions of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1889-1899), Moscow Fellowship of Artists (1894-1902), Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Artists (1898), World of Art (1899-1906, 1921, 1922), 36 Artists (1901, 1902), Union of Russian Artists (1903-1923), World Exhibitions in Chicago (1893) and Paris (1900, two gold medals) and the International Exhibitions in Munich (1898), Vienna (1902), Venice (1907) and Rome (1911). Designed for theatres in Moscow and St Petersburg (from 1885). Taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1901-1918), State Free Art Studios (1918-1919) and the Stroganov School (1900s-1910s). Emigrated (1922).
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 10,9 х 21,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3149
Домик в Киеве
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3147
Портрет скульптора М. М. Антокольского
- 1878
- Paper, сharcoal . 56 х 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3216
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12,4 х 16,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3152
Абрамцево. У старой оранжереи
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,4 х 25,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13403
- 1879
- сharcoal . 37,8 х 50,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3217
Портрет С. И. Мамонтова
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,8 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-56234
Портрет Т. П. Чаплыгина
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal . 61,4 х 43,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3219
Портрет старушки с очками в руках
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,4 х 30,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3182
Бахчисарай. Пейзаж
- 1880
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 17,1 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13419
Запорожец «мордуется» с лошадью
- 1880
- Paper, , nib. 22,2 х 17
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3092
Портрет В. С. Серовой
- 1880
- Paper, italian pencil. 28,5 х 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3186
- 1880
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,2 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3097
- 1881
- Paper, graphite pencil. 31,8 х 23,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6555
- 1883
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,6 х 23
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13405
- 1883
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,4 х 16,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3153
Абрамцево. В аллее парка
- 1880s
- Paper, watercolours. 22,3 х 26,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3126
Буковая роща в окрестностях Мюнхена
- 1885
- Watercolours. 43,8 х 30,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13432
Портрет К. Д. Арцыбушева. Лицо К. Д. Арцыбушева (Беглый набросок). С. И. Мамонтов (Беглый набросок)
- 1886
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,1 х 25,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3160
- 1890
- Paper, ink, white pigment. 57 x 46
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13427
Портрет скульптора М. М. Антокольского
- 1878
- Paper, сharcoal . 56 х 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3216
Портрет С. И. Мамонтова
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,8 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-56234
Портрет Т. П. Чаплыгина
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal . 61,4 х 43,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3219
Портрет старушки с очками в руках
- 1879
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,4 х 30,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3182
Портрет А. Я. Симонович
- 1880
- Canvas, oil. 31 х 26,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1733
Портрет В. С. Серовой
- 1880
- Paper, italian pencil. 28,5 х 20,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3186
- 1881
- Paper, graphite pencil. 31,8 х 23,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6555
- 1883
- Paper, сharcoal , graphite pencil. 33,6 х 23
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13405
Портрет К. Д. Арцыбушева. Лицо К. Д. Арцыбушева (Беглый набросок). С. И. Мамонтов (Беглый набросок)
- 1886
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,1 х 25,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3160
Портрет С. П. Чоколов
- 1887
- Canvas, oil. 68 х 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1923
Портрет А. Н. Серова
- 1889
- Canvas, oil. 197 х 125
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4286
Портрет Аделаиды Яковлевны Симонович (1872-1945), в замужестве фон Дервиз, двоюродной сестры художника
- Canvas, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-8480
Портрет Е. П. Кончаловской
- 1891
- Canvas, oil. 62 х 58,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-6650
Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna in Childhood
- 1893
- Canvas, oil. 60 х 49
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1918
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882–1960): Youngest daughter of Tsar Alexander III and Princess Dagmar of Denmark, sister of Tsar Nicholas II. Studied art under Konstantin Kryzhitsky, held exhibitions of her work. After the revolution, lived in Denmark and Canada. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 245.
Портрет великого князя Михаила Александровича (1878‒1918) в детстве
- 1893
- Canvas, oil. 65 х 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1917
Portrait of Countess Varvara Kapnist
- 1895
- Canvas, pastel. 58 x 54
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-9746
Portrait of Princess Varvara Musina-Pushkina
- 1895
- Paper, pastel. 72,5 x 57,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-9745
Портрет М. К. Олив
- Canvas, oil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4284
Портрет М. Ф. Морозовой
- 1897
- Canvas, oil. 108 х 87,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4313
- 1898
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-44344
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 10,9 х 21,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3149
Домик в Киеве
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3147
- 1878
- Paper, graphite pencil. 12,4 х 16,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3152
Абрамцево. У старой оранжереи
- 1879
- Paper, graphite pencil. 34,4 х 25,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13403
Бахчисарай. Пейзаж
- 1880
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 17,1 х 25,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13419
- 1880
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,2 х 21
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3097
- 1883
- Paper, graphite pencil. 13,4 х 16,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3153
Абрамцево. В аллее парка
- 1880s
- Paper, watercolours. 22,3 х 26,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3126
Буковая роща в окрестностях Мюнхена
- 1885
- Watercolours. 43,8 х 30,1
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13432
Old Bathhouse in Domotkanovo
- 1888
- Canvas, oil. 76,5 x 60,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4312
Beginning in 1886, Serov was a frequent guest at Domotkanovo, the estate of his friend Vladimir von Derwies. The estate’s natural beauty in summer and winter inspired a number of studies that are amazingly subtle in colour and full of quiet, among which is Old Bathhouse in Domotkanovo, an example of Russian Impressionism. With their lyrical interpretations of nature sustained in light tones and fresh, energetic painting style, these landscapes were new for their time and reflected the quest, typical for Russian young people at the time, for a means of expression that is in accordance with the new mental outlook.
Баба в телеге
- 1896
- Canvas, oil. 48 х 70
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4302
In Winter
- 1898
- Cardboard, pastel, gouache. 51 x 68
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4311
Valentin Serov painted his finest landscapes at Domotkanovo, an estate belonging to his friends in Tver Province. The smooth horizontal grounds, muffled silverochre tones and the calm manner of applying the paint convey the quiet poetry of the dull expanses and the placid mood of a grey day. This effect is intensified by the poetic motif of the sledge being driven out of the gates by a young horse. The landscape is an excellent example of Serov’s masterly command of the paintbrush, particularly in the way the artist conveys the movement of the sledge, the glimmering grey nuances of the shed and the forest in the distance, the snowdrifts in the field and the snow trampled into the road. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 242.
- 1898
- etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-32098
Балюстрада в Архангельском
- 1903
- Canvas, oil. 48,5 х 63
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-6773
Москва. Новодевичий монастырь
- Cardboard, watercolours. 42,5 х 59,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3221
Провинция (Переславль-Залесский)
- 1905
- Paper, watercolours. 37,5 x 54,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13441
Пристань Наупли
- 1907
- Watercolours, graphite pencil. 27,5 х 18,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6541
- 1907
- Paper, watercolours. 35 х 22,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13435
- 1890
- Paper, ink, white pigment. 57 x 46
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13427
Встреча княжны Маргани и Михако на базаре
- 1895
- Paper, ink, nib, graphite pencil. 29,1 х 23,2
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13418
Сказка о Медведихе
- 1895
- Paper, ink, nib. 26,1 х 39,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3215
Волк и журавль
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 25,7 х 32,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13411
Волк и журавль
- 1895–1898
- Ink, nib, graphite pencil. 22,3 х 35,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13412
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13416
Лев и волк
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3214
Лев состарившийся
- 1895–1898
- Watercolours, graphite pencil. 22,2 х 35,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13415
Обед у медведя
- 1895–1898
- Paper, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3204
Тришкин кафтан
- 1895–1898
- Paper, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13414
Тришкин кафтан
- 1895–1898
- Paper, graphite pencil. 24 х 32
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-56268
Волк и журавль
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-44084
На лугах Кавказа (Кавказская сцена)
- 1897
- paper mounted on cardboard, watercolours, white pigment. 40 x 30
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13428
- 1898
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-42591
Волк и пастухи
- 1899
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-28213
- 1899
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-28232
Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds
- 1900
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera, gouache. 41 x 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4291
In the middle of the eighteenth century, the period of Rococo, the different forms of hunting which had been popular in Russia since ancient times acquired a ritual and spectacular character. The elegant Tsarist horsemen, inflamed by high-spirited conversation and the imminent hunt, ride purposefully past the half-destroyed village and the poverty stricken villagers, accompanied by a splendid cortege of courtiers. By juxtaposing two Russias, the aristocratic Russia, in step with Europe, and the peasant Russia, dark and denied all rights, Serov exposes the source of the insurmountable contradictions of Russian life. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 304.
Designed to illustrate Nikolai Kutepov’s book Tsarist and Imperial Hunting, Valentin Serov’s work reflects the new understanding of history painting at the turn of the century. Serov and the other members of the World of Art preferred poetic images of daily life in the «golden age» of the eighteenth century to the more important historical events. The artist depicted historical themes in order to reflect on the fate of his country. He depicts a dashing cavalcade consisting of the fourteen year-old Tsar Peter II (1727–30) and Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, against a background of rickety huts and down-at-heel peasants. Dynamic, poignant and piquant, Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds offers an excellent example of Serov’s painterly mastery. The rustic landscape in autumn makes an important contribution to the artistic image. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 228.
Выезд Екатерины II на соколиную охоту
- 1900–1902
- Paper, graphite pencil. 17,8 х 21,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3164
Выезд Екатерины II
- 1906
- paper mounted on cardboard, pastel. 47 х 76
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4299
Ворона (Ворона в павлиньих перьях)
- 1910–1911
- Paper, graphite pencil, ink, nib. 26,6 х 42,3
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13409
После Куликовской битвы
- 1894
- Cardboard, gouache, varnish. 15,3 х 32,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6550
Миропомазание Николая II в Успенском соборе
- 1897
- Paper, gouache, watercolours. 36,3 х 55,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-10011
Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds
- 1900
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera, gouache. 41 x 39
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4291
In the middle of the eighteenth century, the period of Rococo, the different forms of hunting which had been popular in Russia since ancient times acquired a ritual and spectacular character. The elegant Tsarist horsemen, inflamed by high-spirited conversation and the imminent hunt, ride purposefully past the half-destroyed village and the poverty stricken villagers, accompanied by a splendid cortege of courtiers. By juxtaposing two Russias, the aristocratic Russia, in step with Europe, and the peasant Russia, dark and denied all rights, Serov exposes the source of the insurmountable contradictions of Russian life. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 304.
Designed to illustrate Nikolai Kutepov’s book Tsarist and Imperial Hunting, Valentin Serov’s work reflects the new understanding of history painting at the turn of the century. Serov and the other members of the World of Art preferred poetic images of daily life in the «golden age» of the eighteenth century to the more important historical events. The artist depicted historical themes in order to reflect on the fate of his country. He depicts a dashing cavalcade consisting of the fourteen year-old Tsar Peter II (1727–30) and Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, against a background of rickety huts and down-at-heel peasants. Dynamic, poignant and piquant, Peter II and Princess Elizabeth Riding to Hounds offers an excellent example of Serov’s painterly mastery. The rustic landscape in autumn makes an important contribution to the artistic image. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 228.
Выезд Екатерины II на соколиную охоту
- 1900–1902
- Paper, graphite pencil. 17,8 х 21,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3164
Выход императрицы Александры Федоровны от заутрени
- Paper, watercolours, white pigment, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3165
Peter I Riding to Hounds
- 1902
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera. 29 x 50
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4290
In this composition, notable for the beauty of its finish and the sharply contrasting forms, Serov masterfully recreated the colourfulness of the hunt in old seventeenth century Russia, poeticizing the endless snow-covered expanse under a pale, northern sky. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 305.
Екатерина II на соколиной охоте
- 1902
- Cardboard, tempera, gouache. 23 х 40
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4292
“Soldiers, Brave Lads, Where Is Your Glory?”
- Cardboard, tempera, graphite, gouache, сharcoal .
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4297
Выезд Екатерины II
- 1906
- paper mounted on cardboard, pastel. 47 х 76
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4299
Peter the Great
- After a 1907 original painting. Plate No. 35 from Pictures from Russian History (Moscow: Joseph Knebel, 1908–1913)
- 1909
- Paper, chromolithography. 65,3 х 87,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.Луб.-2101
Great Eagle Cup
- 1910
- Cardboard, oil. 64,5 x 43
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1919
Peter I at the Work Site
- 1910-1911
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera, watercolours. 63 x 92,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1921
Peter the Great at the Work Site
- 1910–1911
- Watercolours. 48,9 x 64,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13425
Запорожец «мордуется» с лошадью
- 1880
- Paper, , nib. 22,2 х 17
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3092
Линейка из Москвы в Кузьминки
- 1892
- Canvas, oil. 58 х 83,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4301
Баба в телеге
- 1896
- Canvas, oil. 48 х 70
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4302
На лугах Кавказа (Кавказская сцена)
- 1897
- paper mounted on cardboard, watercolours, white pigment. 40 x 30
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13428
С горы (Зимой)
- 1898
- Paper, watercolours, ink, nib. 14,2 х 9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3078
Баба с лошадью
- 1899
- etching, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-36458
Peter I Riding to Hounds
- 1902
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera. 29 x 50
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4290
In this composition, notable for the beauty of its finish and the sharply contrasting forms, Serov masterfully recreated the colourfulness of the hunt in old seventeenth century Russia, poeticizing the endless snow-covered expanse under a pale, northern sky. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 305.
Екатерина II на соколиной охоте
- 1902
- Cardboard, tempera, gouache. 23 х 40
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4292
За игрой в карты
- 1902
- Graphite pencil. 51,6 x 34,9
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13450
Bathing a Horse
- 1905
- Canvas, oil. 72 х 99
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4285
Valentin Serov painted this work during the 1905 revolution. The artist harmonically unites the images of youth and the free elements, personified by the keen young horse and the radiant energy of the windswept seascape. This picture was painted at the artist’s dacha on the Gulf of Finland. Contemporaries interpreted the upbeat notes and sunshine as an expression of the revolutionary moods and hopes for change sweeping Russia in 1905.
Художник К. А. Коровин на берегу реки
- 1905
- Cardboard, oil. 36,1 х 51
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1750
- 1906
- paper mounted on cardboard, pastel, watercolours. 37 х 25
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13449
- 1908
- paper mounted on cardboard, gouache, pastel. 37,5 х 53
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4300
Похищение Европы
- 1909–1910
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 25,3 х 31,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13448
Одиссей и Навзикая
- 1910
- paper mounted on cardboard, pastel, tempera, graphite, gouache. 67,5 х 169,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4288
Одиссей и Навзикая
- 1910
- Cardboard, tempera, graphite, gouache. 49,5 х 65
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4298
Похищение Европы
- 1910
- Cardboard, tempera, сharcoal . 40 х 52
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4310
Похищение Европы
- 1910
- Bronze. 28 x 44 x 28
- The State Russian Museum
- Ск-1046
Костюм Олоферна для Ф. И. Шаляпина в опере А. Н. Серова «Юдифь»
- 1890s
- Paper, watercolours. 22 х 17
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6540
Федор Иванович Шаляпин в роли Ивана Грозного
- 1899
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-28223
Два сатира с козлом
- 1900–1901
- paper mounted on cardboard, watercolours. 21,5 х 28,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-6547
Дом Юдифь в Ветилуе
- 1907
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera, gouache. 55,7 х 71,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-8738
Пир у шатра Олоферна
- 1907
- paper mounted on cardboard, tempera. 55 х 73
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4296
Площадь в осажденном городе Иудеи – Ветилуе
- 1907
- paper mounted on cardboard, watercolours, gouache. 55,5 х 71,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4294
Шатер Олоферна
- 1907
- paper mounted on cardboard, gouache. 55 х 71,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4293
Анна Павлова в балете Сильфиды
- сharcoal , tempera, chalk.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13487
Выезд на охоту. Эскиз занавеса к балету «Шехеразада»
- 1910
- Cardboard, tempera, graphite pencil, gouache. 56 х 72
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-1920
- 1879
- сharcoal . 37,8 х 50,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3217
Запорожец «мордуется» с лошадью
- 1880
- Paper, , nib. 22,2 х 17
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3092
Линейка из Москвы в Кузьминки
- 1892
- Canvas, oil. 58 х 83,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4301
Слуга Авраама находит Исааку невесту Ревекку
- 1894
- Canvas, oil. 103 х 143
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4287
Лев и львица
- 1890s
- Graphite pencil. 14,3 х 22,4
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3202
- 1890s
- Paper, graphite pencil. 16 х 10,5
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3193
Сказка о Медведихе
- 1895
- Paper, ink, nib. 26,1 х 39,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3215
Баба в телеге
- 1896
- Canvas, oil. 48 х 70
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4302
Волк и журавль
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil. 25,7 х 32,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13411
Волк и журавль
- 1895–1898
- Ink, nib, graphite pencil. 22,3 х 35,8
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13412
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13416
- 1896
- Paper, graphite pencil. 17,3 х 10,7
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3208
Лев и волк
- 1895–1898
- Paper, watercolours, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3214
Лев состарившийся
- 1895–1898
- Watercolours, graphite pencil. 22,2 х 35,6
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13415
Лежащий лев
- 1896
- etching, .
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-28244
Обед у медведя
- 1895–1898
- Paper, graphite pencil.
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-3204
Волк и журавль
- Paper, etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-44084
На лугах Кавказа (Кавказская сцена)
- 1897
- paper mounted on cardboard, watercolours, white pigment. 40 x 30
- The State Russian Museum
- Р-13428
In Winter
- 1898
- Cardboard, pastel, gouache. 51 x 68
- The State Russian Museum
- Ж-4311
Valentin Serov painted his finest landscapes at Domotkanovo, an estate belonging to his friends in Tver Province. The smooth horizontal grounds, muffled silverochre tones and the calm manner of applying the paint convey the quiet poetry of the dull expanses and the placid mood of a grey day. This effect is intensified by the poetic motif of the sledge being driven out of the gates by a young horse. The landscape is an excellent example of Serov’s masterly command of the paintbrush, particularly in the way the artist conveys the movement of the sledge, the glimmering grey nuances of the shed and the forest in the distance, the snowdrifts in the field and the snow trampled into the road. Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 242.
- 1898
- etching.
- The State Russian Museum
- Гр.-32098