
Artist of the first half of the 19th century

Years of birth and death unknown.
Painter, author of historical subjects. Non-Commissioned Officer of the Court Stable Department. Occasional student of the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1833), studied under Karl Brullov. Awarded the title of non-class artist (1836) for Liberation of Moscow by Prince Pozharsky and Citizen Minin. Awarded a minor silver medal (1837); nominated to the Imperial Academy of Arts (1839) for Last Fight of Ermak. Contributed to exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of Arts. The Imperial Academy of Arts Board approved a study for Olga Meeting Grand Prince Igor (1846). He was awarded the title of academician for the study Siege of the Trinity Lavra of St Sergius in 1610 (1848).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Tsarina Natalia and Tsarevich Peter at the Red Porch
Tsarina Natalia and Tsarevich Peter at the Red Porch

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