

1889, St Petersburg — 1963, Leningrad

Painter, graphic artist. Studied under Sergei Egornov in St Petersburg (1906–1907), at Elizaveta Zvantseva’s School of Drawing and Painting (1909–1910) and under Jacques-Émile Blanche and Charles Guérin in Paris (1910–1911). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1912). Worked with Vla - dimir Tatlin. Member of the City Fine Arts Committee of Narkompros and its All-Russian Exhibition Committee (1918). Head of the commissariat’s art publications department and director of the painting section of the Trade Union of Art Workers (1920s). Editor at the art sections of the magazines Rabotnitsa (Woman Worker) and Krestyanka (Peasant Woman) (1925–1935). Member of the Union of Artists (1932).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Evdokia Fedotova, Chairwoman of the Second Congress of Collective Farm Shock Workers
Evdokia Fedotova, Chairwoman of the Second Congress of Collective Farm Shock Workers
Other museums
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Ударница на сенограбилке
Ударница на сенограбилке
Омский областной музей изобразительных искусств имени М. А. Врубеля
Портрет доярки (Бригадир совхоза Торосово Лилля Тамман)
Портрет доярки (Бригадир совхоза Торосово Лилля Тамман)
Омский областной музей изобразительных искусств имени М. А. Врубеля

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