
1817, Rostov Veliky (?) – 1859, St Petersburg

History and genre painter. Son of a third-class merchant. Occasional student at the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1837), studied under Fyodor (Fidelio) Bruni. Perfected his art in Italy thanks to the financial support of his father (late 1838). Enjoyed the advice of Fyodor (Fidelio) Bruni, who was in Rome at the time, was on friendly terms with Alexander Ivanov. Completed and submitted Angels Informing Sodom and Gomorrah About the Celestial Punishment to the Imperial Academy of Arts (1845), awarded the title of non-class artist on 13November. Returned to St Petersburg (1848). Painted on commissions, painted icons for a monastery near Tambov (1848–1850). Worked in Ukraine (1858).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Сцена из Смутного времени (Спасение Марины Мнишек во время восстания против поляков 17 мая 1606 года в Москве)
Сцена из Смутного времени (Спасение Марины Мнишек во время восстания против поляков 17 мая 1606 года в Москве)

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