Mikhail V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) was an encyclopedic scientist, chemist, mechanic, historian, poet, and artist. From 1731 he studied at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, from 1735 — at the St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. In 1736 he left for Germany to study natural sciences. After returning, he was enrolled in the staff of the Academy of Sciences (1742), in 1745 he was elected the first Russian academician of chemistry. On the initiative of Lomonosov, Moscow University was founded in 1755.
Author of works on Russian history. Russian literature reformer Lomonosov, laid the foundations of the modern Russian literary language, author of the first truly scientific works in the field of grammar, philology, rhetoric, rules of versification; laid the foundation of scientific terminology; revived the technique of smalt mosaic. Since 1763, a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.