
Shirt’s hem

The Mikhailovskiy district, The Ryazan Province. End of the 19th century

The chislennoe lace (a kind of woven lace with the simple repeated pattern) of the 19th century from the Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan province are narrow, woven from thick coloured threads (they were called "plump paper"). The patterns of such lace cannot be called complex. Their variety is based on one or two coloured threads - white, yellow, blue, which were intersected, running through the red background. The lace was thick and translucent. It was woven without a preparatory drawing, the masters kept in mind the number of interlaces. In the old female costume from the city Mikhailovo they were sewn to "zakolotki" or motley woven stripes on the hem of shirts. The lace as well used to decorate the aprons – curtains.

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