Zhizdra District, Kaluga Gubernia. Late 19th century
- Silk (sleeves), red calico, branina, colored interwoven stitch, silk ribbons, fringe. 140 х 105
- В-9486
Пост. в 1975 из экспедиции ГРМ в Калужскую область
- Period Late 19th century – Early 20th century
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Perednik, fartuk, zaveska, zanaveska, zapon, zapan… All these words mean the same thing — “apron” — the part of the female costume often so richly decorated that in the beauty of its patterns and the sonority of its color it is far superior to any other part of the costume. Of course, there were ordinary, everyday aprons which were more modestly decorated. Over the centuries, different types of aprons became common to different Russian gubernias.
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