ГМЗ "Гатчина"

Portrait of Prince Alexander Menshikov

19th century

According to documents from 1925–1941 the portrait was kept in the Elizabeth’s room on the third floor of the Central Building of the Gatchina Palace.

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (November 6, 1673 – November 12, 1729) Statesman and military leader, associate of Peter the Great. His father was a horseman at the court. He began his career in the Toy Army of Peter the Great as his batman (1693). Menshikov participated in the Azov campaign. At the end of the 17th century he travelled incognito as a member of the Grand Embassy. In 1703 he became the first governor of St Petersburg. In 1707 he was awarded the title His Highness the Prince. He defeated the Swedish army in the Battle of Lesnaya (1708) and in the Battle of Perevolochnaya (1709). For the Battle of Poltava he was promoted to Field Marshal General. Menshikov was the president of the Military College. In 1725 he took an active part in the enthronement of Catherine I. He was also the head of the Supreme Privy Council. In 1727 he was awarded the title of Generalissimo. During the reign of Peter II Menshikov was arrested, stripped of his titles and property and banished to Ranenburg, and later to Beryozov where he died and was buried.

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