
1776, Karpovo (Novgorod Province) - 1857, Moscow

Guitarist (Portrait of the Virtuoso Guitarist Vladimir Morkov)


  • oil on canvas. 86,5 x 69
  • Ж-5230

  • Пост. в 1897 из Царскосельского Александровского дворца

  • Сведения о реставрации:

    Марков М.Н. (1956)

This is a portrait of the famous guitarist Vladimir Morkov (1803-1864). His virtuosity on the Russian seven stringed guitar distinguished him in particular. His debut in Moscow coincided with the time when the guitar and Russian romances: were hugely popular right across Russian society in the 1820s and 1830s. Apart from performing, Morkov also spent a great deal of time. studying the history of Russian music, culminating in his History of Russian Opera from its Origins to 1862. He also wrote a book about the seven - stringed guitar that was popular among fans of guitar music. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 145.

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