
1858, Варшава – 1912, Санкт-Петербург

Tangier. Bazaar


The main part of Ciągliński’s creative heritage is a large number of landscape sketches. Not a year passed without him making another trip: he visited Central Europe several times, as well as Turkey, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt, Greece, India, Tunisia and other countries. From there he brought a lot of bright, artistically written sketches. Widely and boldly painted «alla prima», they attracted attention with their «decadent» manner of open, dynamic brushwork. A recognized impressionist in Russian painting, Ciągliński loved to paint the sun and artistic landmarks, without worrying about creating a holistic emotional natural image. From the memoirs of Arkady Rylov: «Almost every year he went on a trip to the south, to tropical countries: Palestine, Egypt, Algeria, India. <…> After the trip, he usually gathered friends at his place and showed his tropical sketches. <…> The studies, written in an impressionistic manner, with explanations by a temperamental author, illuminated by a strong lamp, made an impression».

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