
1837, Ostrogozhsk (Voronezh Province) - 1887 St. Petersburg

Portrait of the Sculptor Mark Matveevich Antokolsky


  • Canvas, oil. 75 х 63,5
  • Ж-2990

  • Пост. в 1913 от Е.Ю. Антокольской

Kramskoi created a vast gallery of portraits of artists, scientists and writers. Among them, there is the portrait of the famous Russian sculptor Mark Antokolsky (1842–1902). Antokolsky was a professor and active member at the Academy of Arts as well as an honorary member of the Academies of Paris, Urbino and Berlin. Among his most notorious works, there are: “Ivan the Terrible”, “Spinoza”, “Mephistopheles”. He also produced the portraits of Sergei Botkin and Ivan Turgenev. He made  the statue of Peter the Great for the Peterhof  Palace and copied it for Taganrog, St Petersburg and Arkhangelsk.

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