
1866, Hrodno - 1924, Paris

Poster for a Doll Bazaar


  • pastel on cardboard. 72 x 98
  • Ж-7631

  • Пост. в 1962 от Л.И. Кадушина

The motif of child and doll, which was classically portrayed in Hoffmann's fairy tale The Nutcracker and in Tchaikovsky's ballet of the same name, also excited those members of the World of Art who were followers of the cult of Hoffmann and theatre. Bakst portrays the childish awkwardness and charm of the girl just as she is about to kiss the ugly little creature and turn it into a handsome prince. The expressive silhouette based on the harmony and contrast of soft, circular and sharp, angular lines, the generalization of form, the combination of flatness and volume, script and graphic elements, intensify and romanticize the image. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 38.

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