1881, Tiraspole - 1964, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)
- oil on canvas. 72 x 89,5
- ЖБ-1409
Пост. в 1927 от автора, Париж, через Л. Ф. Жегина, Москва-
Сведения о реставрации:
Реставратор:: Серова Т.Б.
- Period Late 19th century – Early 20th century
- CategoryLandscape
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In spring 1911, Larionov was serving in the armynear Moscow. His impressions of army life are reflectedin what is known as his soldier series, which Camp belongs to. The influence of nonobjectivityis clearly felt here, which was increasingly pervasivein Russian art. Larionov’s works from the early1910s were shown at Der Blaue Reiter exhibitionsand Izdebsky Salons.
«Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: