17 December 2015
Peter the Great. His Time and Circle St. Michael’s Castle
The exhibition of the Saga of the Dynasty series from museum and private collections is devoted to the epoch of Peter the Great represented in art by contemporaries of the period.
Генеральный партнер выставки Благотворительный фонд "Система"
tags cloud
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- #lecture
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- #virtual_exhibition
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- #мультимедийная_выставка
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- #школьники
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- #инклюзия
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- #Business_meeting_of_virtual_brances
- #The_Multimedia_Centre
- #Drammatika
- #ночьмузеевВФРМ
- #РусскомуМузею125лет
- #RussianMuseum120
- #RMcatalogues
- #Библионочь
- #книгиГРМ2019
- #игрыРМ
- #фильмыРМ
- #ночьискусствВФРМ
- #Artefact
- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
- #RM_anniversary
- #SPb_anniversary