Wassily Kandinsky and Russia
The oeuvre of Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), world-renown Russian artist is for the first time presented with special emphasis made on the national origins of his early figurative works and abstract paintings of 1910-s. The exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist comprises his graphic and painterly works alongside with the pieces by his prominent contemporaries (Ivan Bilibin, Elena Polenova, Sergei Malyutin, Mikhail Larionov, Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, David Burliuk, Alexey Yawlensky, Marianna Verevkina and others). These artists participated with Kandinsky in the Izdebsky Salons and “The Blue Rider” group exhibitions and reflected the symbolism, expressionism and art nouveau trends.
The exposition also includes the examples of traditional Russian folk art (distaffs, birch bark boxes, embroidered towels, toys, carved wooden items) that largely influenced the stylistic and ideological principles of Wassily Kandinsky’s art.
The works on display are selected from the collection of the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Hermitage and other museum collections.
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