02 December 2016
Workshop for heads of information and educational centres «The Russian museum: virtual branch».
On the 2nd December in the Western Pavilion of the ensemble of St. Michael's Castle was held a workshop for heads of information and educational centres "The Russian museum: virtual branch" dedicated to the new concept and the project development strategy until 2020 and until 2025. The meeting was attended by representatives of 22 virtual branch offices in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The participants discussed about the strategy of the project in the coming years, got to know new technologies and tools for working. For participants was organised a guided-tour on the exposition of the Multimedia Centre of the Russian Museum.
tags cloud
- #opening_of_a_branch
- #lecture
- #exhibition
- #virtual_exhibition
- #virtual_tour
- #online_exhibition
- #мультимедийная_выставка
- #poster_exhibition
- #online_event
- #masterclass
- #contest
- #занятие
- #festival
- #video_conference
- #round_table
- #conference
- #seminar
- #дошкольники
- #школьники
- #студенты
- #семья
- #серебряный_возраст
- #инклюзия
- #multimedia
- #Business_meeting_of_virtual_brances
- #The_Multimedia_Centre
- #Drammatika
- #ночьмузеевВФРМ
- #РусскомуМузею125лет
- #RussianMuseum120
- #RMcatalogues
- #Библионочь
- #книгиГРМ2019
- #игрыРМ
- #фильмыРМ
- #ночьискусствВФРМ
- #Artefact
- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
- #RM_anniversary
- #SPb_anniversary