Exhibition "Arkady Rylov. 1870-1939"
Arkady Rylov (1870-1939) is one of the classics of the Russian landscape painting. His art became wide popular in the early XX century. His works were on display at the exhibitions of “The World of Art” group and Secession in Vienna. For his “Green noise” landscape he was chosen honorary member of Salon d'Automne in Paris; and his famous “In the Blue Expanse” at its time was seen as true romantic symbol of revolutionary era. Unfortunately, contemporary viewers are little acquainted with the art of this prominent painter, author of both epic and majestic landscapes and intimate and touching images of the Russian nature.
The Russian Museum houses the biggest part of Rylov’s artistic heritage: paintings and sketches of various periods, graphic works, illustrations. This will allow to present all stages of his artistic development for the first time after his last personal exhibition in 1970. 100 art pieces will be on display, among which are landscapes and historical and genre paintings from the collection of the Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, and other museums.
The exhibition is supported by PAO Severstal, PAO Power Machines, Nordgold company.
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