21 December 2017
White Nights in the Multimedia Centre
The performance of the City Theater by the Fyodor Dostoevsky story "White Nights" will take part for the first time in the Multimedia Centre of the Russian Museum. The play is directed by Boris Golubitsky.
The performance is organised in the framework of the new project of the Russian Museum "DraMMatika"
A new in form presentation of the story "White Nights" will be set in the chamber space of the historical Western pavilion of St. Michael's Castle (Engineer's Castle) where the history of a company of draughtsmen (officers of a low rank) once started. It was a specialty of a draughtsman that Dostoevsky got after graduating from the Engineer's Castle.
The City Theatre, St. Petersburg
The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
tags cloud
- #opening_of_a_branch
- #lecture
- #exhibition
- #virtual_exhibition
- #virtual_tour
- #online_exhibition
- #мультимедийная_выставка
- #poster_exhibition
- #online_event
- #masterclass
- #contest
- #занятие
- #festival
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- #дошкольники
- #школьники
- #студенты
- #семья
- #серебряный_возраст
- #инклюзия
- #multimedia
- #Business_meeting_of_virtual_brances
- #The_Multimedia_Centre
- #Drammatika
- #ночьмузеевВФРМ
- #РусскомуМузею125лет
- #RussianMuseum120
- #RMcatalogues
- #Библионочь
- #книгиГРМ2019
- #игрыРМ
- #фильмыРМ
- #ночьискусствВФРМ
- #Artefact
- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
- #RM_anniversary
- #SPb_anniversary