"Wilhelm Kotarbiński – "Dreaming through Art". A new film
Henryk Siemiradzki and Russian Artists’ Colony in Rome Exhibition opened in the Benois Wing on 20th December 2017.
Over 100 works of art of Russian artists who lived and worked in the "Eternal City" in the 1850-1900s have been gathered together for the first time. "Orgy", a painting by Wilhelm Kotarbiński that has been kept in the Museum's storage for almost 100 years became the real discovery of the exhibition. Thanks to unique restoration works undertaken for more than half a year a splendid work of art was saved from destruction and now, we can see it at the exposition in all its beauty. "Orgy" became the discovery not only for the public but also for the museum community, as even in the general catalogue the work was presented only in a black and white photo from the early 1900s.
In the new film of the Russian Museum "Wilhelm Kotarbiński – "Dreaming through Art" the research fellows and restorers of the Russian Museum are telling about the stages of the restoration of the canvas and how the exhibition of Russian artists of the middle 19th – early 20th centuries whose life and creative work were closely connected with Italy was created. Together with the camera crew, a viewer can get into the restoration workshops of the Russian Museum and became a participant of a big museum preparation, this work usually being behind the scenes of a museum's exposition.
The film was created by the "Virtual Russian Museum" service with the support of the Charitable Foundation "Sistema".
The scriptwriter of the film is Svetlana Birukova, head of the department
"The Multimedia Centre of the Russian Museum".
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