Vladimir Konashevich
V. M. Konashevich’s oeuvre is familiar to many people all over Russia and the post-Soviet space since their childhood. It was his illustrations that young readers could see in the books by Hans Christian Andersen and Alexander Pushkin, as well as by outstanding Soviet writers, such as Kornei Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, and Yuri Olesha.
The artist’s easel work spans over 40 years. However, it is much less known by the broader audience, although Konashevich quite early developed his personal style as a brilliant master of lyrical landscape, still life, and portrait. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the artist moved to Leningrad from Pavlovsk, where his almost entire archive perished in the fire. Only a tenth part of the archive was saved. That is why original paper-based works created in Pavlovsk and included in the exhibition at the Russian museum are so precious. The exhibition features 150 works from the collection of the Russian Museum, the collection of the artist’s family, and other private collections.
One of the most notable masters of Russian art is hardly known by the public and this exhibition is his comeback to the viewers.
tags cloud
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