Nicholas Roerich. In Search of Shambala
The exhibition displays the works of Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) - a world-famous artist, one of the leading masters of Russian art of the first half of the 20th century. Roerich was a writer, philosopher, archaeologist, and a public figure who initiated The Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments ("Roerich Pact").
The exhibition features about 80 paintings from the Russian Museum collection, as well as several graphic works.
The exhibition will be based on the works of "Bogatyr Frieze", the painting "Ominous", which will be first presented in the original author's frame, and works created by Nicholas Roerich in India in the 1930-1940s.
The search for the origins and spiritual principles of world culture was reflected in Roerich's artistic and literary heritage, dedicated to the legendary Shambhala. The artist's Tibetan expeditions and the works that resulted from them make up the final, most significant section of the exhibition.
tags cloud
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- #virtual_exhibition
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- #RussianMuseum120
- #RMcatalogues
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- #книгиГРМ2019
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- #ночьискусствВФРМ
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- #100years_restorationRM
- #Peter_I_350
- #Antarctica200
- #folk_art
- #profession_restorer
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- #SPb_anniversary