Exhibition "Nature Reimagined"
The exhibition is devoted to the most impressive and spectacular natural events depicted in the paintings of Russian artists. Sunshine and moonlight, thunderstorms and lightning, rainbows and clouds running across the sky, sunsets and auroras have always fascinated masters of the Russian landscape.
The exhibition will include paintings of artists of the XIX-XX centuries from the collection of the Russian Museum. Along with the masterpieces of famous masters (I. Aivazovsky, A. Savrasov, F. Vasilyev, A. Kuindzhi, I. Levitan, N. Dubovskoy, K. Redko, M. Vorobyov, and others), there will be presented works by pupils of these artists who continued picturesque inventions in their canvases. Many of the art pieces, that expressively represent the motif of reimagined nature were rarely exhibited or will be presented at the exhibition for the first time.
5 march—21 june 2021, The Benois Wing
Репортаж на канале "Санкт-Петербург"
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