Exhibition "Italian Futurism. From the Collection of Mattioli. Russian Cubo-Futurism. From the Russian Museum and Private Collections in Moscow"
The futurism desire of search for figurative means, consonant with the age of technological progress and high speeds, acquired a truly international character after the famous manifesto by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was issued in 1909. The creative program of Italian futurism in the 1910s stroke a chord in different countries, including Russia. In their manifestos and speeches at disputes, Russian artists strove to defend the originality of the Russian version of this trend, which clearly manifested itself both in visual arts and in literature.
The exhibition at the Russian Museum brings together the works of Italian and Russian futurists, which allow a viewer to witness the originality of each of the two national versions of this large-scale creative movement. The fundamental works of Italian futurism are shown in dialogue with the iconic works of Russian masters. This will provide an opportunity to see their similarities and differences and deeper perceive the era of avant-garde experiments that swept across Europe.
The major masterpieces of Italian futurism from the collection of Gianni Mattioli (Milan) are shown for the first time in Russia: 26 unique works by G. Balla, U. Boccioni, C. Carrà, L. Russolo, G. Severini, M. Sironi and many more other, truly significant for the historical and cultural context in which Italian futurism was born. Paintings and graphic works from the Russian Museum and private collections appear next to them in the exhibition space. The authors of these works are D. Burliuk, N. Goncharova, A. Lentulov, K. Malevich, L. Popova, I. Puni, O. Rozanova, N. Udaltsova, A. Exter and other famous representatives of the Russian avant-garde.
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