
16 May 2024

Exhibition «Olga Rozanova (1886–1918): An Art Revolutionary»

It has been more than 30 years since the successful exhibition of Olga Rozanova (1886–1918) at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Russian Museum in St Petersburg and the Helsinki Art Museum. Afterwards, works from her legacy toured internationally as part of the exhibitions The Great Utopia (1992–1993) and, finally, The Amazons of the Avant-Garde (1999–2001). In St Petersburg, Rozanova’s works were shown five years ago as part of the Union of Youth exhibition (2019) at the Russian Museum. Nowadays, one would hardly need proof of the significance of the artist’s legacy for twentieth-century Russian culture.

The Russian Museum presents a retrospective of Olga Rozanova’s works as a one-woman show. The exhibition contains her works from various Russian museums, including pieces from the Russian Museum’s collection (121 works of painting and graphic art in total).

The exhibition features about 50 paintings and more than 100 graphic works, which illustrate all periods of Olga Rozanova’s oeuvre: from her first, still timid, sketches to abstract compositions striking with organic harmony and unique expression of colour, from studies from nature to futuristic drawings.

The brightest star in the “amazons of the Russian avant-garde” constellation, she was the most unpredictable, incredible and romantic among them.

Olga Rozanova was a true avant-garde artist. As Ivan Kliun, a contemporary, described her in the foreword to her posthumous exhibition (1918–1919), she “... had been at the forefront of new ideas in art all her life.”

More than a hundred years have passed since then. The avant-garde has received a place in encyclopaedias, it is not hidden in museum depositories, and its artists have been called “classics”. In the early 1990s, Olga Rozanova’s exhibition was regarded as a flash of light in the unexplored cosmos. So what will be the reaction of a today’s viewer? Overburdened with a steady information flow, he is sure to be less emotional, but still able to fully appreciate her truly unique gift.

The exhibition is held in the Marble Palace until September 2, 2024.

Age restriction: 6+

We would like to express our gratitude to the GES-2 House of Culture for their support and participation in the exhibition project.

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