
1781, London — 1829, Kentish Town (near London)

Painter, draughtsman; portraitist. Son and student of engraver F. Dawe. Elder brother of engraver Henry Edward Dawe. Studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in London (1803). Academician (1813). Honourary member of the academies of arts of Florence, Dresden, Stockholm and Paris. Worked in Russia at the invitation of Emperor Alexander I (1819). Together with his Russian assistances Alexander Polyakov and Vasily Golike created 322 portraits of Russian generals for the Military Gallery in the Winter Palace. Produced many paintings on commission. Honourary associate member of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg (1820). First portrait painter of the Imperial Court (1828). Returned to London (1829).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Портрет графини Ш. К. фон Ливен
Портрет графини Ш. К. фон Ливен
Portrait of Dmitry Kuruta
Portrait of Dmitry Kuruta
Portrait of the Military Officer and Statesman Count Alexei Arakcheyev
Portrait of the Military Officer and Statesman Count Alexei Arakcheyev
Портрет М. Я. Нарышкиной с сыновьями Львом и Сергеем и дочерью Александрой
Портрет М. Я. Нарышкиной с сыновьями Львом и Сергеем и дочерью Александрой
Portrait of Count Pavel Shuvalov
Portrait of Count Pavel Shuvalov
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I against the Cameron Gallery
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I against the Cameron Gallery
Portrait of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich
Portrait of Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich
Before 1826
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I
Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I
Portrait of Empress Marie Feodorovna
Portrait of Empress Marie Feodorovna
Before 1828

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