Home page СправочникиКлассификаторы (атрибуты) предметов коллекцииМатериалы и техники Foil Foil All items Period: All All 18th century Early 19th century Late 19th century – Early 20th century Late 20th century – 21st century Total: 17 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Maiden’s Crown Headdress18th century Оклад к иконе «Богоматерь с Младенцем» Maiden’s Crown Headdress18th century KokoshnikLast third of the 18th century KokoshnikLast third of the 18th century KokoshnikLast third of the 18th century KokoshnikLast third jf the 18th century Kokoshnik with OchelyeLast third of the 18th century Девичий головной убор Maiden’s Crown HeaddressLate 18th century Maiden’s Festive CostumeLate 18th century Kosnik19th century Maiden’s Festive Costume19th century Maiden’s Festive CostumeLate 19th century Ожерелье Шемогодье / Великий УстюгБурак Федоскино (Данилково, Осташково), Московская губерния /областьШкатулка „Узорчатая“ Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Masterpieces Total: 0 Sort: in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in ascending order) in chronological order (in descending order) by author (in alphabetical order) Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 Show per page: 20 / 60 / 100 / 500 О материале/технике «Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: