1729 – 1803
1730, Санкт-Петербург – не ранее 1800
Medal Commemorating the Visit of Peter the Great to the Paris Mint in 1717
Лицевая и оборотная стороны. Second half of the 18th century
- Silver. D-59. Total weight: 85.24 g.
- Мед.А-12
On June 12, 1717 Peter the Great visited the Paris mint. There, the medallist Jean Duvivier made him a gold medal with the tsar’s portrait on it. 30 silver medals and 40 bronze medals of this kind were produced for members of the tsar’s retinue. In the end of his visit to the mint, Peter the Great received one more medal “with a portrait of his, the base of the medal was bronze, and the figures rising from it were made of gold.” In the second part of the 18th century, medallists Timofei Ivanov and Samuel Judin from the St Petersburg mint made dies for this medal so that anyone could order one, made of any metal they preferred for a fee.
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