
Конец XVII — после 1736

Medal Commemorating the Signing of the Treaty of Nystad in 1721

Medallist: Anton Schultz. 1721

  • Silver. D-50. Total weight: 51.59 g.
  • Мед.А-316

The medal was made by the Danish medallist Anton Schultz in order to commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Nystad. On its reverse there is an inscription that reads: “EXANTLATIS,/ PER QUATUOR,/ ET/ QUOD EXCURRIT,/ LUSTRA PLVSQVAM HERCULEIS,/ BELLI LABORIBUS,/ PACE NEOSTADII IN FINLANDIA/ 30 AUG: S.V. 1721/ GLORIOSISSIME,/ QUOD IPSA FATEBITUR/ INVIDIA,/ SANCITA EXOPTATAM/ ARCTOO ORBI QUIETEM/ DONAVIT.” (“After having performed military feats, which were greater than the ones accomplished by Hercules, for four quadrenniums, and the last quadrennium that has passed (meaning for 20 years), he granted the long-awaited peace to the North by concluding the holy treaty in Nystad, Finland on August 30, 1721 (according to the old calendar), and he did it with the greatest glory, which will be testified to by envy itself).”

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