
1782, St Petersburg - 1843, St Petersburg

Portrait of Alexandra Tomilova in Childhood with a Doll in her Hand


  • oil on canvas. 62.5 x 50.5
  • Ж-6281

  • Пост. в 1917 из собр. Е. Г. Шварца (Петроград); ранее – в собр. А. Р. Томилова (имение Успенское Новоладожского уезда Петербургской губ.)

Alexandra Tomilova (1815- 1878) was the daughter of Alexei Tomilov and later wife of adjutant general Schwarz. Warnek knew Tomilov well and frequently visited him at his country estate in Uspenskoe. Tomilov himself was an exceptional individual and patron of artists. Among Warnek's best works are the portraits of Tomilov's three children two sons and a daughter - which make up a series, at the centre of which is the portrait of Alexandra Tomilova, one of the daughters. The adolescent girl is pictured wearing a white dress and sitting solemnly with a doll in her hands. She has a dreamy and meaningful look and pose. This, however, is no "small adult" as found in the portraits of the eighteenth century, but very much a product of the new Romantic era. Play and Passion in Russian Fine Art. St-Petersburg. 1999. P. 24..

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