Home page Online resourcesCollectionsWorks of Painting Ice Slopes in Moscow on Neglinnaya Street during ShroveWeek De La Barthe, Gerard Circa 1730 - ? Ice Slopes in Moscow on Neglinnaya Street during ShroveWeek 1795 oil on canvas. 75 х 141 Ж-4682 Пост. в 1931 из Александровского дворца-музея, Детское (Царское) Село, ранее – Аничковский дворец, Петербург Period Late 17th century – the 18th century CategoryLandscape, Genre Painting Keywords The Epoch of Catherine the Great (1762-1796) | male costume | folk costume | female costume | Moscow, Moscow Region | городской пейзаж | архитектурный пейзаж | зима Virtual exhibitions and 3d-tours Moscow during the Reigns of Catherine II and Paul I in the Paintings of Gérard de la Barthe Share «Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: