
1799, St Petersburg -1852, Manziana (near Rome)

Portrait of the Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Saltykova


  • oil on canvas. 200 х 142
  • Ж-5090

  • Пост. в 1919 из Бюро отдела охраны и учета памятников искусства и старины (собрание Л. С. Салтыковой), Петроград

  • Сведения о реставрации:

    Minin Alexander (1999)

Karl Brullov painted a watercolour portrait of Princess Elizaveta Saltykova in Italy in 1833. Their friendship continued in St Petersburg.

Most Serene Princess Elizaveta Pavlovna Saltykova (1802–1863): Born Countess Elizaveta Stroganova. Daughter of adjutant-general Pavel Stroganov (1774–1817) and his wife Sofia Golitsyna (1775–1845). Married the Most Serene Prince Ivan Saltykov (1797–1832). Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 135.


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