
1818, Astrakhan - 1927, Leningrad

Children in Mascarade Costumes


  • Paper, pastel. 115 x 97
  • Ж-1890

  • Пост.: 1941 приобр. у Ю. Е. Кустодиевой, вдовы художника (Ленинград) через ЛГЗК

Depicts: Artist’s children Kirill Borisovich Kustodiev (1903–1971) and Irina Borisovna Kustodieva (1905–1981).

Boris Kustodiev particularly enjoyed painting portraits of friends, relatives and fellow artists. He often depicted his children Kirill and Irina, portraying their outer appearances with special feeling. Irina writes in her memoirs about the time they dressed up at New Year. Their mother sewed them costumes worn by a marquis and marquise in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is how the artist depicts the children in the portrait. Kirill wears a wig made of cotton wool, while Irina’s head is powdered with potato flour.

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