
1838, Kursk - 1869, Kursk

Palm Sunday in Moscow Under Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich. Procession of the Patriarch on a Donkey


  • Canvas, oil. 60 х 122
  • Ж-2942

  • Пост. в 1928 из Государственного музейного фонда, Ленинград

The paintings of Vyacheslav Shwartz, the founder of the historical painting in Russia, describe the historical and everyday life details, thanks to which the painter managed to recreate the authenticity of this period. The religious procession symbolises the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem on the Sunday before Easter. The procession is headed by the Tsar and the Patriarch on a donkey – a horse in a special cloth. Followed by representatives of the clergy and boyars, they move from St Basil's Cathedral into the Moscow Kremlin. The solemn procession is depicted with a great accuracy when it comes to the representation of the robes, accessories, and the ancient architecture of Moscow. Schwartz was awarded the title of academician for this picture.

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