
1863, Moscow - 1930, Detskoe Selo (Leningrad Region)

Street of Seville

Эскиз декорации к опере Ж. Бизе «Кармен» для Мариинского театра. Действие I. 1908

Alexander Golovin designed the sets for seven theatrical productions on Spanish themes, including Dom Juan and Carmen. They were both directed by Vsevolod Meyerhold. Their stylistics differ from Golovin s other works in their laconism and simplicity. The artist wrote that he wanted to present the real, unadorned Spain, with its narrow streets, dusty squares, signboards and stunted vegetation. The everyday provincial setting was supposed to heighten the viewer s perception of the dramatic events in an everyday provincial town.

«Виртуальный Русский музей» в социальных сетях: