
1883 (1884), Sofievka Tauride province. - 1939, Leningrad


Эскиз картины «Демонстрация на проспекте 25 октября (в Ленинграде)» (1934, ГТГ). 1930

  • oil on canvas. 88 х 61
  • Ж-4378

  • Received in 1933 from the Fifteen Years of RSFSR Artists exhibition (1932), Moscow

In the 1920s and 1930s, historical and revolutionary themes became decisive in Isaac Brodsky oeuvre. He painted portraits of the leaders of the Soviet state, pictures depicting events of the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War, and scenes of festivities in a strictly academic manner, attempting to achieve the greatest visual authenticity.

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